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UV LED curing machine (500 x 200)


Model: HTCS-II-FS500200-BH
Specification: 500mmx200mm(luminous area)
Wavelength: 365/385/395/405 optional

Product SurveySpecification ParameterProduct Dimension Drawing

  I. Equipment features

  1. The device supports real-time monitoring of UVLED current, UVLED failure alarm function and energy-saving protection function.

  2. the device provides continuous mode and back-end mode optional, continuous mode, click the start button, UV machine conveyor belt and UVLED has been working, click the stop button to stop the UV machine work; back-end mode, click the start button, the UV machine conveyor belt and the UVLED began to work, when the back-end sensor sensor to the product, the conveyor belt and the UVLED stop working, when the product is taken away to continue to enter the next cycle. The product is taken away and continues to enter the next cycle.

  3. The equipment has digital dimming, delayed shutdown fan heat fan, history of irradiation time query and other functions.

  Second, the light source characteristics

  1. Energy efficient

  UVLED output band concentration, high photoelectric conversion rate, energy saving, fast curing speed, high productivity.

  2. Wide range of application

  UVLED is a cold light source, low infrared heat radiation, will not cause thermal stress and deformation, suitable for all kinds of heat-sensitive materials curing.

  3. Long life

  UVLEDs have a long service life, reducing the investment cost of equipment. It can be turned on and off without preheating, and the number of switching times does not affect the service life.

  4. Green

  Comply with RoHS, no mercury.

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