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UVLED cabinet curing machine (300x200mm)


UV LED vertical curing machine, instead of traditional mercury lamp, built-in UVLED curing light source, low temperature, no ozone, no deep UV, low energy consumption, high efficiency.

Product SurveySpecification ParameterProduct Dimension Drawing

  HTCS-II-FS300200-BL cabinet curing machine is a high-performance UVLED surface light source curing system, the system mainly consists of controller, UVLED irradiation head, conveyor and connecting line.The UVLED irradiation head adopts the imported high-intensity UV LEDs, UV spectral wavelengths of 365 nm, 385 nm, 395 nm, 405 nm optional, using forced air cooling heat dissipation, the effective curing area of 300x200mm, supporting external signal input and trigger, can be equipped with semi-automatic or fully automatic production line. Forced air-cooled heat dissipation, effective curing area of 300x200mm, support for external signal input and trigger, can be equipped with semi-automatic or fully automatic production line.

定西市| 吴江市| 大方县| 新竹市| 冷水江市| 皋兰县| 鹿泉市| 涟水县| 武乡县| 疏勒县| 凌云县| 保亭| 邵阳市| 曲阜市| 沂南县| 仪征市| 荣成市| 龙海市| 孟津县| 平山县| 鲜城| 仪陇县| 自治县| 墨脱县| 资源县| 江山市| 都兰县| 盐山县| 靖安县| 会理县| 龙州县| 阳江市| 峡江县| 长沙县| 彭州市| 罗源县| 临海市| 吴川市| 兰西县| 拜城县| 昭通市|