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500X100mm uv led curing area system


The UV-LED curing system adopts the LED lighting method, and the LED with different wavelength of 365nm, 385nm, 395nm and 405nm wavelength can be used to cure different materials,such as UV glue, UV ink, UV varnish, UV paint.

Product SurveySpecification ParameterProduct Dimension Drawing

XYUV-4II-FS500100-NL is a high-performance UVLED  curing system, the system includes the controller, UVLED irradiation head and cable. UVLED head with imported high-intensity UV LED integrated UV spectral wavelength of 365nm, 385nm, 395nm, 405nm, the use of forced air cooling, the effective curing area of 500X100mm, support for external signal input and trigger, can be equipped with semi-automatic or fully automated production line .

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