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What are the factors affecting the curing effect of UV inks?

Click:[606] Publish Time:2022-10-25

  What are the factors affecting the curing effect of UV inks

  The knowledge of uv ink curing has been shared with you in previous articles. Today, Hightenaid will still share with you some of the dry goods on uv ink curing - a variety of factors that may have an impact on the curing effect of uv ink.

  1、for uv ink curing uvled curing machine power, light intensity, wavelength, etc. must meet the process requirements required for uv ink. 

  2、the impact of climate: high temperature, the viscosity of uv ink becomes low, after printing, easy to produce hairy teeth and paste plate phenomenon. Low temperature, high viscosity, affecting the thixotropy of the ink, easy to produce bubbles and incomplete curing phenomenon, therefore requires the summer ink to be refrigerated, screen printing workshop temperature can not be too high, the winter in the cold air warehouse to take out, should be put to room temperature, and appropriate to slow down the curing speed.  

  3、curing speed: suitable uv ink curing speed selection method: first to a certain speed through the uv curing machine curing, if cured, and then adjust to speed up the curing speed until the ink layer through the curing machine can not be cured. At this point, you can determine the good curing speed, that is, the good curing speed: the beginning of the speed can not be cured * 0.8.

  4、the impact of pigments on the uv ink: due to a variety of pigments on light absorption, shooting and ink in the pigment content of the situation is different generally speaking, red, yellow, white, black harder to cure, green, blue, light oil, transparent oil easy to cure.  

  5、the impact of uv ink thickness, ink is too thick will affect the curing effect, all factors affecting the thickness of the printed film layer will affect the curing effect, unlike offset ink, the factors affecting the thickness of the film layer are: tension, rubber scraping hardness, screen mesh, photopolymer thickness, rubber scraping knife mouth sharpness, pressure, scraping speed, scraping angle, etc.

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