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What is the difference between UV light curing and thermal curing?

Click:[1111] Publish Time:2022-05-10

UV light curing is through LED ultraviolet irradiation, the photoinitiator in the UV coating is stimulated into free radicals or cations, resulting in a cross-linking polymerization reaction of the active polymer material (photosensitive resin), so that the UV material achieves a rapid curing effect; thermal curing requires Under heating or a certain temperature, the curing phenomenon caused by chemical action occurs.

From the perspective of curing effect, UV light curing adhesive has high transparency, strong adhesion and fast curing speed (curing within a few seconds), which is suitable for batch operation of assembly line and can greatly improve work efficiency; thermal curing adhesive has good bonding flexibility and adhesion.

UVLED surface light source irradiation machine.jpg

How to choose UV light curing and thermal curing?

Compared with the effect of light curing and thermal curing, when choosing the glue curing method, it needs to be selected according to the actual use needs. Although UVLED light curing has low energy consumption and fast speed, the disadvantages are also obvious, such as some shadows or opaque areas cannot be cured; thermal curing has good applicability, but the disadvantages are slow curing speed, high energy consumption and complex process.

If you have requirements related to UV light curing, you can try Height-LED UVLED curing machine, which can be used for rapid curing of UV photosensitive coatings such as UV glue, UV ink, UV varnish, UV varnish, etc. Adhesive matching is high. The equipment is small in size and flexible in installation, and can be installed on the original production line without affecting the original process. Height-LED can also provide you with custom services and can customize the appropriate UV light curing machine according to your application needs.

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