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Let you know in seconds what a uv lamps for printing machines

Click:[1364] Publish Time:2019-05-17

uvled photosetting machine is a kind of mechanical equipment for surface treatment using strong ultraviolet ray

Also known as: UV curing machine, UV curing machine, UVled curing light source,uvled spot curing

It is blended by special configuration and added with certain UV coating(UV varnish, UV paint, UV resin, etc.)

After high temperature ultraviolet light in the equipment, the coating can be converted into solid state in 1-2s.

In addition, UV curing equipment can be used in a wide range, in line with the main requirements of the National Health and Environmental Protection Organization.

uv glue curing machine

uv ink curing lamp

Printing industry: flexo printing, offset printing, silk printing, jet code, jet printing, ink-jet and so on.

Electronic Industry: Microelectronics, Optical Communication, Data Wire, Camera, PCB, etc.

Furniture boards, automobile interiors, medical consumables, PCB are all suitable for use

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