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How can offset printing equipment lack uv curing lamp?

Click:[1552] Publish Time:2019-01-04

UV offset printing products have incomparable advantages in surface texture, protection, wear resistance and production efficiency, so the UV offset printing machine is the core equipment of the printing plant, and also one of the most efficient equipment in all the equipment of the printing plant. In the long-term operation process, it may also need to install UV offset curing lamp. Usually, two to four UV curing lamps are installed on offset press to meet the production needs. Not every color group needs to install UV curing lamps. Simply speaking, one UV curing lamp is used for each two color groups, which mainly solves the problems of color flipping and cross-color.

At the same time, three UV curing lamps need to be added between the UV lighting and paper collecting parts to ensure the curing of all UV ink and varnish. Usually, each color group has reserved the position of installing UV curing lamp. In actual production, the UV offset curing equipment can be installed into the required color group according to the process requirements. In order to reduce preparation time and avoid frequent switching, each color group can also be equipped with a separate UV curing lamp, which can be turned on and used separately when needed.

UV offset curing equipment includes UV lamp, reflector, energy control device, cooling device, etc. There should also be a cold water circulating device to ensure that the cots of each color group can be circulated with cooling water in the printing process, which really plays the role of cooling ink rollers.

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