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UV printing curing system has more advantages to improve efficiency

Click:[967] Publish Time:2022-03-16

With the continuous improvement of technology, the current printing industry also presents various types of equipment, which can better guarantee the development of the printing industry. The use of curing system is also very important. The requirements are very high, but the traditional curing method uses mercury lamp irradiation. This method is not only inefficient, but also has environmental problems. Therefore, a more advanced curing system is needed to meet the actual needs. Among them, UV printing The use of the curing system shows better results, so what are the advantages of this system?


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First of all, the UV printing curing system has an efficient effect. The traditional curing system uses mercury lamp irradiation. The service life of the mercury lamp is relatively short, and the frequency of replacement is generally high. Therefore, the mercury lamp needs to be replaced frequently during the printing process. Not only does it have an impact on production efficiency, but it also increases losses. The UV printing curing system adopts the LED irradiation method, that is, it is turned on and off without preheating. The number of switching does not affect the service life, and the efficiency will naturally be higher.


Secondly, the UV printing curing system also has the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection. Unlike traditional mercury lamps, the use of LED not only greatly saves losses, but also does not generate ozone and has no impact on the environment. The use of the industry brings greater protection. Of course, you should also pay attention when choosing this curing system. The UV printing curing system produced by Height-LED is more guaranteed in quality and more advanced in technical application. If you have UVLED curing requirements, you can contact online customer service, or call for consultation and exchange.

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