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Which printing industries are UVLED curing technology mainly used in?

Click:[801] Publish Time:2021-11-11

1. The application of UV curing technology in large format inkjet printing:


With the popularization of UV inks, more and more printing factories adopt UV curing technology in inkjet printing. Among them, the most widely used field of UV inkjet printing technology is the large-format printing market.


Compared with the large-format printing market, UV inkjet uses relatively small amounts of direct mail variable data printing, label or product packaging to print barcodes or numbers. In the field of large-format printing, UV inks are matched with UVLED curing machines, which can improve the durability of images and improve the running performance of the print head, so as to print on a wider range of printing materials.


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2. Used in the field of industrial or decoration printing:

UV curing technology can be used for the direct printing and curing of glass, metal, plastic, ceramics and other materials without pre-processing the surface of the printed material. Therefore, people are beginning to be willing to use UV inks and UV curing machines in the field of industrial applications or decoration printing.


As more and more printing practitioners realize the advantages of using UV curing technology, the UV inkjet printing market is growing very fast.


3. Used in label printing and packaging printing:

UV curing technology also has advantages in label printing and packaging printing. Now some label and packaging printing users attach great importance to the advantages of UV inks. When some label printers rely on expensive ribbon offline thermal transfer printers to print monochrome variable data, UV inkjet and curing technology can be connected to high-speed printing, which can completely replace thermal transfer printers.


Shenzhen Height-LED specializes in the production of UVLED curing equipment, and can customize suitable UVLED curing systems for customers. Welcome to consult.

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