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uv led curing system application in optic fiber

Click:[1526] Publish Time:2018-02-03

The communication fibers consist of a core, a coating and a coating. The peel strength of the fiber coating is determined by the outer coating of the fiber; the tensile strength of the coating, the adhesion of the uvled light curing machine, i.e., the inner layer of the fiber and the quartz glass, depends on the internal coating of the fiber. Communication fiber UV light curing machine Features:

(1) the user can be fixed on the communication fiber, you can also place the four tools in the UV chamber at the same time to achieve four points of curing.

(2) the use of optical instruments, after the second reflex, uvled light curing machine can reflect the need for ultraviolet light, and through a special device, only in the working parts of the position to maintain the UV light position.

(3) communication fiber The traditional way is to use a point light source for 5 to 15 minutes of static exposure to meet the hardening requirements.

(4) equipped with automatic cylinder assembly, when required to achieve curing time, uvled light curing machine will automatically start UV irradiation device to avoid the loss caused by timeout exposure.

(5) in the realization of high strength under the premise of stable output, detection and routine maintenance is very convenient.


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