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Handheld Foldable UV Germicidal Lamp(suitable for mask)


The handheld foldable UV Germicidal Lamp is small, light and convenient to carry; it is easy to use and one-button sterilization; the design is safe and prevents accidental injury; suitable for sterilization and sterilization of various objects.

Product SurveySpecification ParameterProduct Dimension Drawing

Instructions for use 

  1. Make sure the device has enough battery or USB to power on.

  2. Press the on key for 3s,when the power indicator light is on,the device can be used for sterilization.

  3. Hold the lamp in your hand with the light facing downward.Move the lamp slowly across the target surface for about 15s or more.

  4. Safety feature:The device will automatically shut off if the lamp has been turned over(bulb facing up).The lamp will resume working once it is open and the bulb facing is down.

  5. Click the on key to turn off the power.

    Handheld Foldable UV Germicidal Lamp.jpg

    Handheld Foldable UV Germicidal Lamp.jpg

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