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Portable UVC LED Light Sterilizer Disinfection Stick Lamp for Home Hotel Travel Use


This portable UV germicidal stick is small, lightweight and easy to carry. Charging with USB interface, easy to use.Suitable for many occasions, home, travel, office, etc.

Product SurveySpecification ParameterProduct Dimension Drawing

一、Using method

  1. Press and hold the switch for 3s to turn on the light; 

  2. Put the subjects under the UVC LED;

  3. Move slowly above the subjects.Keep 10-20s in the same area;

  4. Short press to turn off the light.

    led uv sterilization stick.jpg

二、Product image

led uv sterilization stick.jpg

三、Suitable for many occasions:

led uv sterilization stick.jpg

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四、Safer and more efficient than traditional sterilization methods

Safer and more efficient than traditional sterilization methods.jpg


 1.Do not shine on the skin and eyes of people or animals;

 2.Don't put it where children can get it;

 3.When the battery is almost dead, please charge it in time。

红桥区| 手游| 安丘市| 贵南县| 莒南县| 北票市| 武冈市| 潞西市| 曲靖市| 搜索| 太和县| 安徽省| 新兴县| 新乐市| 泾川县| 汾西县| 宜城市| 博兴县| 巴南区| 邵东县| 正镶白旗| 西城区| 双柏县| 永和县| 嘉禾县| 娱乐| 梅河口市| 石河子市| 勃利县| 井研县| 嘉义市| 平和县| 南和县| 扎鲁特旗| 全椒县| 青铜峡市| 元朗区| 信丰县| 安仁县| 台东市| 安吉县|